Dinner at Pepperlunch!
Yes, I was late again. Cos I had to look for Ah Vril's present before meeting them. Bleah. Hope the top isn't too big nor too small.
Pepperluch was not bad, except for the stupid rule that everyone has to be present before getting seats. Like, for what? It's really silly. Maybe it's their method for making it look as if the place is full of people since you can hardly get everyone to be present on time for dinner dates and so you have to resort to waiting outside the place.
And so...after waiting for nearly 30 mins, we got in!!!!!
Avril and I malu-ed ourselves in Pepperlunch. We were like dashing towards the queue, only to find out...

Picture is self-explanatory. The blue arrow represents the route of our mad dash from our table to the counter. The waitress was staring at us when we stood at the end of the queue and beckoned us to go back.
After abit of photowhoring and talking and laughing, our food came!

My Salmon Pepper Rice!
It was a nice experience, cooking and mixing the rice and salmon, hearing the wonderful sizzling of the pan. But I got tired from all the mixing. I exclaimed, "Hao3 lei4 ah!!" and all of them stared at me in silence.
After that, it was more photowhoring and crapping. Every step we took, we photowhored. So we walked really really slowly ahahahaha. Reminds me of the time when we will be stuck at the zebra-crossing near Zhonghua cos we had no idea where to go and started talking just there and then. Then we'll be like, "Eh, so where are we going?" and the question would always go unanswered cos we kept talking about other stuff.
Amazing discovery of the day:

Marcus' Mousey Ear.
Marcus has really really really small ears!!!!! Like a mouse lol! It's like so not proportionate to his face! The cool thing is he pierced his ear! I think guys who pierce their ears are very cool. Like Shuli's leghair-less bball player. OJM says guys piercing their right ears means they are gays, but I doubt our darling Marcus is.
And anyway I can confirm that James actually said I became prettier 'cos my dear friends said I became prettier!!!! No, my friends are not blind, they do not have bad taste and they are honestly honest with me =D =D =D
Talking with these great people really rocks. We could just sit at Ngee Ann City and talk about anything under the sun and laugh at every silly thing. It's like back to the good 'ol times, when we seemed to have less troubles and always felt good with the company we had.
Listening to Marcus talk about TSD and seeing him show us the interesting stuff he learnt (in the public, yes) made me wonder what would happen if I had taken the path I so wanted to in the beginning, instead of being stuck in the shithole as I am now. Blah. Shouldn't complain too much since there's only like 7 months to go.
These are the people whom I will love with all my life because they are Worth It.
PS: Agnes I saw your calligraphy work pasted outside the LEP classroom. Ahahaha.
[o.P][♥7thHe8ven♥]☆aVriL☆ mixed. champion of nolinkess says: