/ 6:18 PM
Saturday, March 31, 2007


Maybe I should change my mindset - I should not be pissed when the stupid customers sound angry and/or sarcastic. I should be happy cos I can make them irritated. Yes that should be the case. So from now on, I will do my best to make them feel pissed. To payback all the shit I suffered.

Especially since I'm going to extend the stupid contract for another 2 months or so. This is so sickening.

I hate weekends you know. Why can't all the people go out and shop or something instead of staying at home and using the stupid computer? I mean are they not tired of staring at the computer all day in the office? They can even use all the internet they want in the office for free so what for use it at home again. They should let their eyes rest you know. Too much exposure to the PC will spoil their eyes! Too much radiation from the PC will kill them! Too much internet dulls the brain! Why can't they go to East Coast to cycle or any nature park to admire the greenery? Why must they stay at home and use the internet to torture poor souls like me? Weekends are for going out, shopping and having fun for goodness sake.

Maybe the govt should start having a "No Internet Day" on one of the weekends. And schools should stop asking their students to do online assignments. I survived pretty well with the workbooks and worksheets when I was younger. No wonder S'pore has the highest myopic rate in children. We keep asking the young ones to stare at the computers everyday! Allowing them to write with a pen for their work will train them to have nice handwriting and prepare them for the horrible examination papers which may require them to like write 5 essays in 3 hrs or something.

Econs theory says diversification will lower the business risks the producers have but I think this is bullshit if you simply don't have the capability to support diversification. The econs theory is flawed!

They should get more people to work during weekends actually. That's when the calls are coming in! Why don't they see the point. And why aren't the people having dinner? Why are they using the computer now? Why aren't they eating and interacting with their family members? Why aren't they watching the White Tower show on channel u or the ancient show on channel 8? Are they waiting to watch Wu Zong Xian later as I am?

And I dun think Selina and Hebe make very good Guess hosts with Jacky Wu. Not much interaction with Jacky, and the things they say are always the same. I miss Ah Ya and Yang Chenglin. But maybe with more time, they will get better.

My colleague is singing some Chinese song which I can't decipher. But it sounds very Jay Chou-ish. My this another colleague told me I sound like Jolin when I sing...he told me I'm copying her singing style albeit in a joking manner. The other time we went to Partyworld, he thought I turned on the original singer's voice when I'm singing :(

So sad! As much as I like Jolin, I dun want people to think I'm copying the way she sings leh. To me we dun even sound alike. I want people to think I have the unique Lee Wei Qi the pretty girl's singing style. Like Sun Yanzi. It's very hard to imitate the way she sings. This is quite insulting :(

40 more mins till I knock off. Whee!

Amazing how I can write so much crap when my initial intention was to rant and curse all the stupid customers. I feel better already. Writing all these down helps alot.

30 mins more! Woo...

/ 4:42 PM
Friday, March 30, 2007

I am going to be stuck at the job for another 2 months or so. Hopefully I dun regret this decision too soon...bleah.

/ 3:37 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007

I am getting increasingly sick of my job. I think I'll quit end March.

Meanwhile anyone has any job lobangs pls tell me. Muack.

/ 11:39 PM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My 100th post, and I think I should post something I really like.

这么久了 我还是可以感到

/ 11:18 PM
Monday, March 05, 2007

Why is it that no one is interested in watching Huang Cheng..sigh.

/ 11:18 PM

Why is it that no one is interested in watching Huang Cheng..sigh.

All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars.
NUS Netballuxion 2009
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