Liting the pretty girl~who started calling me mantis first :(:(:( and is a great person to hang out with! She has a very cute nephew whom I really want to meet. Love~~~

My maid Chaiti who never does any chore before and likes Goong as much as I do!!!

Liting again~she looks coughcutecoughcough in here

Jiayan the pretty girl! Sings very well too :)

Wankai my doppy aka pretty girl!!! Can tell the similarities by seeing how pretty we are :) Is very tickled when I say "disturbed" for some weird reason but I love you all the same :)

Hueysun my zhen ming tian zi! (We have similar blogskins, and it wasn't prearranged or anything) MUACK MUACK MUACK

Miss Neo and Liting again again. Look abit alike hor! The face. They share the same chi name!!!

The irritating pig who looks like a psycho most of the time. Is possibly more vain than I do. Is self-delusional cos he thinks he's shuai. Is very stingy. Does stupid things all the time. Likes roses. Is generally ok if he doesn't open his stupid mouth.

Yulaoshi is my fav teacher. He teaches us more than any teacher ever does. Very funny and cute and knowledgable. LEP lessons are always very enjoyable because of him. The thing I respect most about him is that he is never driven by results. I will miss him greatly.

Miss Lim the very pretty and adorable Maths teacher. She stays at Hougang Ave 8 too! And she admitted that we are her liveliest Maths class :):):)

Miss Neo again! She praised me for my 自拍 skills. Hehehehe. I think we are her liveliest class too. Though I never really listened during her lessons =x

Willy who has never been caught for his long fringe. Is irritating as well cos he likes to blow at my hair and squeeze my bottle. I really marvel at his singing skills and passion for music, he's constantly writing hokkien songs. Good job! I like reading his blog. One of the few that can make me laugh out loud.
Fengyi who smiles more than she talks. She can sing very very very very well! Plus she's one of the kindest souls I've ever met. She is supportive of anyone who pons lessons or school. I like reading your blog Fengyi! But no tagboard cannot comment :(

The idiot who derives joy from bullying me all day. Has an orange bag which is often mysteriously locked. Is also self-delusional cos he thinks he's the President and cos he thinks I'm stupid ugly and not a girl. Likes Kelly. AND PLS NOTE HE HAS THE SAME SMILE AS FENGYI. And pls ignore the stupid people at the back obviously they never die before. -glares- I'll try to come up with a chi pun soon.

Minsee who is a very humourous and cute person. She's very nice to talk to. Sometimes she does stupid things unknowingly and they never fail to crack me up. I think her growl is very funny. She thinks the things I say are funny even though I never think so. We often join forces to beat the guys. I will miss Teacher Tay. Sorry again for making you wait :(
Liuzee who refuses to acknowledge the name QQ. If he rebonds his hair it'll probably be as long as mine haha. Is totally not appreciative of the Mr Q song I sang for him. First time I sang for people you know :( Dunno why he has that stupid expression. Very torturous to take photo with me meh?

Honyi Ponyi who is very cuddly and short. Does hilarious actions that can make all of us laugh until peng. Is possibly the only person who is willing to do stupid things with me at the class bench where everyone can see us. Likes Sammi alot. I 佩服 her for her energy and drive and for having very clear goals. Another person I will miss badly! Unless we go to NTU together and be roomies :)
LEP lesson today was very 伤感. I supposed yulaoshi could have ended the lesson very early but he didn't. He just kept on talking. Could he have seen our desire for the lesson not to end? Or maybe like us, he wanted to have a proper closure to the lessons we had with him during these 2 years. To me, it just didn't seem right to end the lesson early. The memories wouldn't be complete.
Whenever yulaoshi asked "你们有什么问题吗? 你们有什么要讲的吗?" my heart would be filled with sadness. I guess most of us felt that way too. Those questions he asked kept reminding me of the horrible reality that the lesson will end some time. I didn't want him to ask the questions, I was yearning for the lesson to go on for as long as it could. I suppose everyone thinks the same way.
The final greeting to yulaoshi was the loudest we ever gave to a teacher, but I dun think it could mask the sadness and the 依依不舍 all of us felt. As we all cheered for yulaoshi, there was this ache in me. I was so overwhelmed by all the emotions. I could feel tears in my eyes then, but I didn't cry. Right now all the tears accumulated in my eyes just keep flowing out. Cannot stop. Very stupid.
Dear A12,
Thank you thank you thank you for everything. Thank you for being a part of my life. Thank you for all the joys, craziness and laughter. Thank you for letting me know each and every one of you though I think I can still do more to know some of you better. Thank you for being different from the other Arts classes (in a very good sense) and making it comfortable to be in the class. Thank you for all the times we spent together. Thank you for the captain's ball game I really enjoyed myself. Thank you for accepting me and my craziness at that. Thank you for being A12 I enjoy being in the class. Thank you thank you.
I really hate it when we have to part just as we become closer and get to know each other better. Cos then when we part, we'll probably have a tinge of regret in the sadness we feel. It's this regret that will pain me most. Life is pretty warped in this way. We often start to cherish only when we are about to lose something.
There are so many things I want to hold on to but they are slipping away fast. So fast. Too fast it's scary. If only time can stop at this moment...