Reading Pek's aka fellow Goong fan's blog makes me want to blog about Goong as well! I'm still watching it after so many months cos I stopped at epi 18 during the June hols and there are some previous epis that couldn't load properly on youtube so...yah.
Goong is seriously the best Korean drama I've ever watched so far. Better than Fullhouse and Kim Samsoon. Because it shows you how palace life is like, the clothes, traditional costumes, the culture, the food, the deco etc etc...even though the plot is overused ie. girl and boy have a pre-arranged marriage. But still somehow you'll be drawn to the show. The clothes Chae-gyung wears in the show is enough to want to make you watch every epi. Plus the show has abit of Da Chang Jin element. The elder generation 勾心斗角. But that's not really important. Everyone who watches the show is more interested in the 4 lovely people up there.
Plus the production crew is very 用心. Every traditional cultural rite in the show (the wedding, the wooden ball game, the lotus tea etc etc) has been checked against true historical and cultural records of the olden times Korea, to make sure that everything they do in the show is as accurate and realistic as possible. And what is more interesting for me is how they managed to adapt olden palace times into the present modern Korea, like the present Sang Goons in the show have this red belt thingy at the waist. All the palace maids need to wear office/power suits...whatever you call them.
And the actors! I admit Shin grows on me as the show progresses, but I still like Yul more. I KNOW later in the show he'll be very mean etc etc, but I still haven't watched that part yet so dunno haha! The part I like best about Yul is his eyes. When he's sad his eyes just tell it all and I'll feel very sad for him as well...you'll just want to give him a comforting hug and cry with him. That type lah. His eyes damn 迷人. And I like his hair. And earrings.
And if you hate Yul cos he's very mean in the show, it means that his acting is good ok. He's very intelligent leh he studied Dentistry in U!
According to Pek Goong director confirmed that the original cast for Goong won't appear in the sequel! It's gonna be about a distant cousin of Shin and Yul being trained to become Emperor. Very sad!!! Why no original cast?!?! That sucks alot lah...and I was still full of anticipation about Chae-gyung and Shin's after-they-fall-in-love life :( They are like the soul of the entire show. Maybe the ratings will suffer and the director will ask them to come back :)
Channel U going to show it soon! Pls pls pls pls watch it!!
Sook I can't go to your blog. :( Got problem.