Hello all I'm back! :D Let me do a quick one before going back to study my Legal Theory cos I know you all miss me very badly :D:D:D
The past 2 weeks had been pretty horrendous for me. I was constantly in a high-strung mode.
Memorial was due on Sunday 23 Mar and I had contracts presentation during that week as well. Can just imagine I was so stressed because contracts presentation was worth 10% of class part so I had to do a good one and as usual LAWR cannot be done at the last minute. Especially since I didn't do well in the previous memorial and the latest memorial had to be given to my opponent for moots. So had to do a better job.
Then on that following Tuesday I had Crim presentation. Had to do write-up and powerpoint presentation and they can't be done badly either since those formed the bulk of my class part grades. Couldn't do much on Sunday after memorial cos memorial was due at 10.59pm and I was so tired after that I couldn't finish the uncompleted crim law readings. So I had to finish my readings AND do writeup AND do powerpoint on Monday. I didn't sleep at all. Only managed to complete and submit everything on Tuesday morning itself and I had no time to print my speech (ie my writeup) cos I was running late. I thought I would just bring my laptop up to the table and just read my speech off its screen.
And then guess what. My laptop decided it had enough of shitty law school stuff and died on me. COULDN'T START UP AT ALL. I was freaking out so badly! Cos when I completed and submitted my stuff on IVLE and all I shut my laptop down and went to washup etc, I realised I might have typed something wrongly. So I rushed to turn on my laptop to check. AND THEN IT JUST REFUSED TO START UP. I was like !!! I had no speech! How am I going to present later! And my brain was quite dead so I can't just present without any script. Made frantic calls to Liane my life-saviour asking her to help me retrieve my writeup from IVLE and to print it out for me. Thanks goodness there's Liane! Otherwise I could just die on the spot.
Tried to salvage my laptop the entire day and it just wouldn't start up. I got so so so worried because I didn't backup my school stuff, all my seminar notes and everything. If these notes were gone I can die on the spot as well. Sent it to NUS for repair and the guy told me there was some error with my hard disk and it had to be replaced! But he said luckily he managed to save my documents, my fangirl stuff etc etc.
But when I got my laptop back, I realised half of my legal theory notes were gone. Those seminar notes after the midsem break just disappeared. I was !!! again because other more random and less important things were still there but not my legal theory. So I guess my laptop is making a very clear and firm stand that it still doesn't like law school.
Damn drama right my life.
I had moots the week after crim law presentation (ie this week) and so even after my crim presentation was over I couldn't take a break cos I had to prepare very well for moots. Have to write a speech, do rebuttals, try and cover all possible loopholes the judges might find, read cases and sieve out details, etc etc. And it doesn't help when your opponent had twice the number of authorities used and had a case which was so difficult to rebut. I spent 2 days on that stupid case and was desperately trying to argue my way out of it.
I thought my moots was much much better than my OP cos I wasn't that nervous, my mind didn't go blank and I could think properly. I was better prepared this time after reading all the cases and statutes and making case summaries for reference. But one of the tutors didn't give us good comments :( Merely said our styles were good and after that her 99% of her comments were about how we didn't do well. So Sinyan and I got the feeling that we didn't do very well for our moots and it seemed like the judges were not impressed. Boo.
During the moots my opponent and I had a mini catfight during our rebuttal time. I think the judges were quite O_O actually hahaha. The drama that happened last week with my laptop dying and everything else decided it couldn't have my moots ending peacefully I guess. My opponent apologised after that, but anyway it's over already so yeah.
And so I passed a mini milestone in my law school life! I'm officially done with LAWR! Woots! Now on to tackle Legal Theory exam which is in 2 weeks' time. Hwaiting!