Edit: Yes you click on the word 'tagboard' and the tagboard will appear lol
I guess when you are at the bottom, the only way for you to go is up.
And after my near-disastrous driving lesson, I've decided to conduct an experiment. Wait for my results :)
I wanted to post photos of the fish spa thingy but I just realised my camera died! And I'm too lazy to charge the camera.
Pictures from long long ago:

元山飯店 which is said to have very good fengshui
The interior:

The glass shelves you see lining at the sides of the red carpet actually hold Buddha statues and other artworks which you can buy. Each one probably costs as much as my house.
The Key:

Very special right! It's unlike those normal room cardkey. It totally fits the traditional imperial theme of the hotel and the key is quite heavy for a key.
The room:

The room is very small and the TV sucked because it had very limited channels. It didn't have 八大綜合台 so I couldn't watch ISWAK2 and I was so looking forward to catching the show in TW then :(
Outside the room (you know those random huge space you will see sometimes outside the hotel room):

Not well-taken but the space is HUGE. And the hotel has all those authentic old Chinese furniture and artefacts around very 有氣質.

Kibummie. I super sarang the Don't Don pictures :D
And Junsu's getting wayyy too hot:

-melts and dies-
And anyway I know what the proppers can get for me already (: SuJu first Asia Tour Live DVD! When it comes out (: