I am in a happy mood! Despite the fact that school is starting in 2 weeks' time, my timetable sucks, I haven't really bought the things I need for school, I have so many shows to watch, and I want my holidays to be longer.
I think it's because SuJu won the Favourite Artist (Korea) Award at the MTV Asia Awards :D! Fangirling is the most amazing thing on earth hahaha.
And because I met OJM and Minsee today <3 Which means I couldn't set the record for not seeing OJM for one year hahaha but whatever. I lubb these 2 crazy friends deep deepx. And the breakfast was nice.
And because I bought stuff online again. I suspect the stuff I bought from this another spree went OOS.
DID YOU ALL WATCH WO CAI? The lil kids are soooooooooooooooooooo cute! Especially nos. 1 and 2. The no. 2 little girl is so cute I couldn't stand it. She's so pretty and I super sarang her smile and her eyes. Ahhhhhhhh. And then you see no. 1 and no. 3 fighting over her by taking turns to kiss her on the cheek. WHY ARE LITTLE KIDS NOWADAYS SO 開放! Super cute lor. Makes me want to marry an angmo and have kids with mixed blood hahaha.
But I guess Korean-Chinese mix is fine also lah. HAHAHAHAHA.
And I LOL-ed nonstop at no.3's self intro cos he has no pauses in between his sentences and so he just kept talking at such a fast speed no one could catch whatever he was saying at all. And he was practically bouncing all over the place.
So cute lor the kids!!!!! Wo Cai should do this more often.