Recently I have one too many instances of bad karma. I suppose once in a very long while is ok, but every week? 2 in a night?? Seriously man.
I guess this is a sign that I have to be a nicer person from now on. Yeah I know it's going to be hard seeing how it is simply not in my blood to be nice but I shall try my best :p
I've been sick for the entire week so instead of mugging I have been sleeping my free time away. THIS CANNOT DO! I must start mugging again very very very soon. I happily slept my Saturday away but I attribute it to the supposed-to-be-nondrowsy-but-it-makes-me-sleepy-anyway flu medicine :p
On a happier hoodie is coming soon! Woohoo! Now I want my Super Show and Mirotic to come soon too.
On an even happier note...XM IS OKAY YAY! :D Miss Ng we must have a big celebration!
I think I have a very sad life T_T Even this blog is very sad. The very sad blog-owner who has a very sad life hardly has any entries with deep thoughts or whatever because she hardly ever thinks deeply, or even think for that matter. Paris Hilton should so totally find me for The Simple Life man.
And why is my Junsu not on Happy Together T_T AND HOW DARE PEOPLE CARESS HIS BUTT only I can touch it ahhhhh lol I mean sure you crazy love them but that doesn't give you the right to touch them anywhere and anyhow you like no? That is molestation lor and seriously they need their personal space too. You wouldn't like it if a random person starts touching you too what. No wonder they always look so glum in airports.